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Monthly Archives: December 2011

Swiss Upper House Approves U.S.-Swiss Double Taxation Treaty

The Swiss parliament’s upper house gave its approval to proposed amendments to a new U.S.-Swiss double taxation treaty that would make it easier for U.S. authorities to seek information on secret bank accounts held by U.S. taxpayers with Swiss banks. The Council of States, the Swiss equivalent of the U.S. Senate, approved the amendments by a…
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IRS Will Not Acquiesce on Tax Court's Fraud Finding in ‘Norris'

The Internal Revenue Service announced in Action on Decision 2011-05 that it will not acquiesce on a U.S. Tax Court finding that, after weighing each of the 11 badges of fraud equally, the service did not establish taxpayers' intent to fraudulently evade taxes. In Norris v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2011-161, the Tax Court found that…
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Whistleblower Can Remain Anonymous During Litigation

The U.S. Tax Court, in an issue of first impression, said Dec. 8 that a whistleblower can remain anonymous in court proceedings prosecuting a whistleblower claim in order to protect the former executive's privacy concerns while serving as a confidential informant (Whistleblower 14106-10W v. Commissioner, T.C., No.14106-10W, 137 T.C. No. 15, 12/8/11). Judge Michael Thornton…
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