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Monthly Archives: February 2017

How To Get The IRS To Accept Your Offer In Compromise?

Do you owe a substantial amount of taxes to the IRS? If so, you've likely looked into establishing a payment plan. What if you are simply unable to pay your tax balance? In this case, you might consider requesting an offer in compromise, which is a last-resort option that allows you to settle your account for literally…
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New Zealand New Disclosure Requirements for Foreign Trusts

The Taxation (Business Tax, Exchange of Information, and Remedial Matters) Billincludes the necessary measures for New Zealand to implement the G20/OECD standard for the Automatic Exchange of Information in tax matters, which New Zealand financial institutions will have to comply with, and measures to further strengthen and update New Zealand's international tax rules with new…
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Singapore Companies Forced to Register Controlling Entities

Singapore's government will enact legislation requiring companies and limited liability partnerships to maintain registers of controlling parties. Companies will be given 60 days to set up their registers, and must send out notices to anyone whom they have reasonable grounds to believe are controllers, or who are likely to know the identity of controllers.  …
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IRS Criminal Investigation Releases Fiscal Year 2016 Annual Report

IRS criminal investigations have decreased over the past few years in the wake of a steady staffing decline, with the 2016 fiscal year seeing fewer cases involving identity theft, money laundering and other financial crimes, according to an agency report released Feb. 27, 2017. The Internal Revenue Service announced in its IRS Criminal Investigation (CI)…
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