Congress is considering allowing the Internal Revenue Service to report on taxpayers’ tax debts to consumer credit bureaus. The Government Accountability Office provided a reportWednesday to Senate Finance Committee chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., and Senate Judiciary Committee ranking member Charles Grassley, R-Iowa., on the factors for considering a congressional proposal to report tax debts…
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Most Litigated Tax Issues for 2011
The internal revenue code (IRC) § 7803(c)(2)(B)(ii)(x) requires the National taxpayer advocate identify in her annual report to congress (ARC) the Ten Tax Issues Most Litigated in federal courts (Most Litigated issues). The taxpayer advocate Service (TAS) identified the Most litigated issues from June 1,2010, through May 31, 2011, by using commercial legal research databases.…
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Sales Tax Nexus Case – Supreme Court Declines Appeal
The U.S. Supreme Court on October 9, 2012, declined to step into a controversy over state taxation of the longtime practice of classroom catalog sales of books to students. The justices declined to hear an appeal from Scholastic Book Clubs Inc., a unit of New York City-based educational publisher Scholastic Inc., over some $3.3 million…
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Streamline Installment Plans offer Advantages for Businesses with Delinquent Payroll Taxes
We have provided the criteria that must be met for a business owing payroll taxes to qualify for an In-Business Trust Fund Express Installment Agreement (Streamline Pay Plan). In order to qualify for a Streamline Pay Plan, a business owing payroll taxes must satisfy the following requirements: They must owe $25,000 or less at the time the…
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