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Recent Posts by Ronald Marini

Swiss Turn Over Encrypted Bank Data to U.S. Prosecutors

NEW YORK TIMES ZURICH — Switzerland has turned over to the U.S. authorities encrypted data on bank employees who served American clients suspected of dodging taxes, and will only provide the key to decipher the information once a legal dispute is settled, the Swiss Finance Ministry said Tuesday. Swiss banks have provided tens of thousands…
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FATCA Compliance (Notice 2011-53) and QIs

Qualified Intermediaries that need to renew their QI agreements during the period January to June 2012 were granted a postponement under Notice 2011-53to accomplish their registration as Participating Foreign Financial Institutions (PFFI) for compliance with the Foreign Asset Tax Compliance Act. QI’s must register and receive a QI/PFFI agreement in order to retain their QI status.…
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Puerto Rico Offers Income Tax Holiday to New Resident Investors

Puerto Rico recently approved Legislation, which grants substantial income tax benefits to individual investors not previously resident of Puerto Rico. These individuals can benefit from total income tax exemption through year 2035 on their worldwide income consisting of interest and dividends, including dividends from qualifying registered investment companies, and interest, finance charges, dividends and partnership…
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