On Tuesday, February 21, 2012, we posted Filing False Returns is a Deportable Felony - Supreme Court, where we discussed that the U.S. Supreme Court Feb. 21, 2012 decided that lawful permanent residents who have pled guilty to charges related to the filing of false tax returns that resulted in a loss to the government of…
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IRS Targets Nonfilers To Aid In Collecting Billions in Taxes
The report, from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, said the IRS has a strategy in place as part of its Case Creation Nonfiler Identification Process to identify taxpayers who have not filed a tax return and are required to do so if their income is above a certain threshold. The IRS typically issues…
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TIGTA Report Concludes That IRS’s Lax Enforcement of Backup Withholding Is Costing $9 Billion in Lost Revenue
The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) issued a report concluding that the IRS’s lax enforcement of backup withholding requirements is potentially causing billions of dollars in lost revenue (TIGTA Rep’t No. 2016-40-078). The report goes on to say that which says that, although the majority of information returns are submitted by payers with valid…
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Streamlined Processing of Installment Agreements
The IRS is testing expanded criteria for streamlined processing of taxpayer requests for installment agreements. The test is scheduled to run through September 30, 2017. During this test, more taxpayers will qualify to have their installment agreement request processed in a streamlined manner. Based on test results, the expanded criteria for streamlined processing of installment…
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