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IRS Supplies Guidelines Used for Conducting the OVDP Program – Pursuant to a FOIA Request!

Are you still wondering how the IRS will perceive your clients OVDP filing, with your associated requests for lower penalties or with some other legal tax position regarding your client, which is based upon relevant legal precedent? 

Well wonder no longer, as one of our colleagues, the Brager Tax Law Group, requested the IRS's documents which they use to conduct the OVDP program through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

The Brager Tax Law Group received a CD in response to this FOIA request and out of the 7,092 responsive pages, the IRS sent over 6,500 pages and withheld the rest.

This information is published on the Brager Tax Law Group website which includes:

Previously Unreleased IRS Guidelines for FBAR Audits

These documents should give you a much better understanding of the IRS's perspective of how your proposed request or positions, associated with your clients OVDP filings, will be received by the by them. 

Have Un-Reported Income From an Offshore Bank?
Want to Know if the OVDP Program is Right for You?

Contact the Tax Lawyers at
Marini & Associates, P.A.
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Read more at: Tax Times blog

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