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US Taxpayers & Their Advisors Doing Jail Time for Failing to Declare Offshore Bank Accounts!

On October 29, 2014 we posted More US Taxpayers & Their Advisors Face Jail Time for Failing to Declare Offshore Bank Accounts! where we discussed that the IRS hunt for offshore income and accounts continues unabated well beyond UBS. In fact, it’s intensifying and for those who don’t come forward before they are found, being found can be awfully painful. See list of UBS criminal convictions, so far.

Now according to Bloomberg A former client of Credit Suisse Group AG who pleaded guilty to hiding $200 million from U.S. tax authorities is at the center of a struggle between the Justice Department, which wants to send a stern message by sending tax cheats to prison, and U.S. judges, who have opted for leniency in past cases.

Dan Horsky, a retired business professor from Rochester, New York, pleaded guilty Nov. 4 to using secret Swiss bank accounts to hide assets and income from the Internal Revenue Service and New York tax authorities. Prosecutors urged a judge to send him to prison for 20 months. Horsky’s lawyers said he deserves probation because he helped with a criminal investigation of the bank and will pay at least $124 million in penalties.

U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III is set to impose a sentence on Friday in federal court in Alexandria, Virginia. Dozens of wealthy U.S. tax defendants who used offshore accounts have avoided prison or received terms far below those recommended by advisory guidelines, as judges have consistently ruled against Justice Department prosecutors.

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Read more at: Tax Times blog

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