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IRS Criminal Investigations Unit obtains 94 Percent Conviction Rate.

According to Rick Raven, deputy chief of IRS investigations, the cases that IRS's criminal investigations unit sends to the tax division have ended up in a 94 percent conviction rate, making it the highest rate of conviction in law enforcement.

Offshore tax evasion is taking up a lot of the unit's time, Raven says. More international banks are under investigation than at any time in the history of IRS Criminal Investigation, he says. More than 300 investigations of individuals with ties to international banks are under way, with IRS looking for hidden money overseas.
Criminal Investigation (CI) investigates  potential criminal violations of the Internal Revenue Code and related financial crimes in a manner that fosters confidence in the tax system and compliance with the law.
IRS Criminal Investigation (CI) is comprised of approximately 4,100 employees worldwide, approximately 2,700 of whom are special agents whose investigative jurisdiction includes tax, money laundering and Bank Secrecy Act laws. While other federal agencies also have investigative jurisdiction for money laundering and some bank secrecy act violations, IRS is the only federal agency that can investigate potential criminal violations of the Internal Revenue Code.
The Criminal Investigation strategic plan is comprised of three interdependent programs: Legal Source Tax Crimes; Illegal Source Financial Crimes; and Narcotics Related and Counterterrorism Financial Crimes. These three programs are mutually supportive and encourage utilization of all statutes within CI’s jurisdiction, the grand jury process and enforcement techniques to combat tax, money laundering and currency crime violations. CI must investigate and assist in the prosecution of those significant financial investigations that will generate the maximum deterrent effect, enhance voluntary compliance and promote public confidence in the tax system.

Read more at: Tax Times blog

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