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IRS Will Not Acquiesce on Tax Court's Fraud Finding in ‘Norris'

The Internal Revenue Service announced in Action on Decision 2011-05 that it will not acquiesce on a U.S. Tax Court finding that, after weighing each of the 11 badges of fraud equally, the service did not establish taxpayers' intent to fraudulently evade taxes.

In Norris v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2011-161, the Tax Court found that the service was only able to prove four badges of fraud in regard to William and Sharon Norris's failure to pay taxes on the income from illegal gambling machines in their convenience store in 1996.

William pleaded guilty to tax evasion for 1998, and IRS issued a notice of deficiency claiming the pair failed to report income for 1996 and 1998. While the Tax Court found the couple was collaterally estopped from claiming they intended to evade taxes for 1998, it said the service failed to prove they intended to evade the 1996 taxes, as well.

Read more at: Tax Times blog

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